8 Doctor-Approved Hangover Remedies That Really Work (Slideshow)

Hydrate! Always drink plenty of water before, during, and after consumption of alcohol. Water with a little salt and sugar is helpful, but even better is the Stanched Mary Recipe.

The Wonder of Wasabi

This may sound a bit odd, but a good soak in a wasabi bath will stimulate detoxification and flush out toxins from the body. More than a third of toxic garbage from our body is cleared out from the skin. Wasabi, which is part of the cabbage family, has the amazing ability to increase blood circulation throughout the organs, promote cellular oxygenation and clear cellular metabolic waste. 

Mustard Seed

A mustard bath can do the trick too — mustard powder has a similar effect to wasabi, so whatever mood you are in or flavor you prefer, you cannot go wrong. Just add a teaspoon to a bathtub full of warm water to help facilitate the recovery process.

Wheat Grass

Take a shot! Of wheat grass, that is. This ancient plant is thought to hydrate and cleanse the body. The chlorophyll in wheat grass maintains optimal pH in the body and delivers powerful antioxidants, thus deep cleaning the intestines and liver while enhancing wound healing. 


Make sure you eat bananas! Alcohol is a diuretic and bananas reduce hangover symptoms by replenishing electrolytes and potassium. 

Ginger Spice

Incorporate ginger into some tea or warm water. Ginger helps battle the nausea and wooziness associated with hangovers. It is also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage induced by alcohol. 

Love Is the Honey

To sweeten the deal, add honey, not sugar to your ginger tea. Honey provides fructose, which helps the liver uptake and metabolize alcohol.

Get Your C On

Add a squirt of lime or lemon to your glass of water or ginger tea, as well. These citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which is a potent free radical scavenger, or antioxidant. It stimulates the liver into breaking down alcohol. The B vitamins also aid in the metabolism of alcohol and additionally dilate blood vessels to keep things flowing, while restoring energy.