Here's How To Make Those Ice Cream Rolls At Home

By now you have probably heard of ice cream rolls. The sensation out of Asia has made it onto YouTube, Twitter, and menus at trendsetting ice cream shops in New York City. Ice cream rolls are essentially an instant ice cream, and the characteristic roll shape is formed using what looks like a paint scraper or a (more expensive, but essentially the same) pastry scraper.

Click here for the 9 Ways to Make Ice Cream Without a Machine slideshow.

To make this delicious ice cream creation, you will need a thick piece of stone. The slab of stone should be an inch or more thick; the thicker the slab, the longer it will stay cold giving you more time to make your ice cream rolls.

Prepare the stone by placing it in the freezer for at least an hour. While the stone is freezing, assemble your other tools. You will need a pastry scraper or handled paint scraper, bowls for your finished product, any toppings you want to add to the rolls, and a chilled ice cream base.

If this is your first time making ice cream, you can follow this simple to use guide for making a standard vanilla ice cream custard. If you want to change the flavor of your base, add whatever extracts you wish in place of the vanilla.

Now that your slab is frozen, remove it from the freezer, and place it on a damp kitchen towel for stability. Pour about a cup of the ice cream base onto the slab (add any toppings at this time), and spread it around the slab in a circular motion with your scraper until the liquid is frozen. Then, take your scraper and, starting with the scraper at about a 45 degree angle closest to you, push it down and away from your body to form the ice cream rolls, working from one end of the circle to the other. Arrange the rolls in bowls or cups, add any additional toppings, like whipped cream or chocolate sauce, and serve.