The Ten Commandments Of Grilled Cheese

The Ten Commandments of Grilled Cheese: According to Ruthie's Rolling Cafe

Thou shalt not use thin, flimsy bread

Thou shall be vigorous with the slathered butter on thy bread slices

Thou SHALT NEVER...and I'm talkin' NEVER use fat free cheese

Thou shall be plentiful and exuberant with bacon, ham, and other cured meat fillings

Thou shall enjoy the cheesy string that exists while pulling apart said sandwich and giggle as you try and catch it in your mouth

Thou shalt not allow a vat of condiments to overtake your Ruthie's gourmet grilled cheese (unless it's our rockin' homemade SLOB SAUCE !)

Thou shall remember that piping hot tomato soup is the ONLY soup to marry with a classic grilled cheese sammie

Thou shall promise to eat a grilled cheese sandwich, no matter how big and messy, with your hands and your hands ONLY!

Thou shalt not skimp on tomatoes, pesto, grilled onions, peppers or any other veggies when it comes to your fave grilled cheese creation

And lastly..... Thou shall always make enough grilled cheese for everyone to enjoy!