Cheap And Easy Cocktail Recipes You Absolutely Need (Slideshow)
Yes, you read that right. And it's the most perfectly named cocktail for what it is: a red, white, and blue Firecracker Popsicle, dipped into Stolichnaya vodka. (Get it?)
Texas Tea
A Shot of C
Save this one for the upcoming winter, when downing Emergen-C is the last thing you want to do. Trust us, this will go down easily.
Jesus Juice
Overnight Adult Slushie
The easiest, and most delicious, way to get rid of the leftover soda and vodka from the party.
Throw Some Tequila in It
Yep, it's really that simple. And hint: it involves Starbucks.
Click here for the Throw Some Tequila in It cocktail recipe.