America's Oldest Bars: New York

You belly up to the bar, put your hand on the old wood, or the worn metal, and order yourself a pint. It's a place you may have never been, and an action that's been done by many before you. There are names scratched into the wall. Scuffmarks on the floor. Nothing's fancy. Nothing's too too. The place, the drink, it's all the way it should be and it's going to continue that way for some time to come. Why? You're in a nexus for drink, space and time. You're visiting a classic, one of the oldest bars in the country.

Most of the oldest bars in New York that are still open for business happen to be located in New York City. Some of these establishments have become legendary outposts, such as Bohemian Hall and Fraunces Tavern. Others are so distinctively well-worn that it is easier to pass right by than notice them, such as Ulrich's Tavern. In any case, these bars have stood the test of time amidst the bustling and ever-evolving nightlife of the Big Apple.

Click here for the America's Oldest Bars: New York Slideshow.