8 Foods You Should Never Freeze

What happens: These veggies quickly lose their color, texture, and flavor in the freezer, according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Cooked Pasta or Rice

What happens: No amount of marinara sauce can save the mushy mess pasta becomes in the freezer.

Icings Made From Egg Whites; Cream Pies

What happens: These desserts can become a melty, watery, separated disaster when frozen.

Cheese in Blocks

What happens: Frozen cheese crumbles.

Fried Food

What happens: It looses its signature crispness unless you fry it again, which just adds extra fat.


What happens: Eggs in the shell will burst and explode, while cooked egg whites become tough and rubbery.

Sour Cream

What happens: It separates when frozen and thawed.

Most Spices

What happens: Pepper, cloves, garlic, and some herbs tend to become strong and bitter. Curry develops a musty off-flavor, and salt loses its flavor.