4 Health Reasons Not To Go Gluten-Free (Slideshow)
Following a gluten-free diet can lower levels of certain vitamins and nutrients that are commonly found in grains. You'll be surprised by just how many essential vitamins and nutrients you could be missing: B vitamins, D vitamins, omega-3, iron, calcium, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. These lower levels of body essentials can lead to risk factors for heart attacks, vascular disease, and strokes.
Constipation is another common side effect of going gluten-free. Substitute grains, like rice, have an inadequate amount of fiber compared to wheat products, and can cause constipation.
Higher Cholesterol
It's not unlikely that your cholesterol could rise from being gluten-free, especially if you have celiac disease. For those who have celiac, before they stop eating gluten their intestines don't absorb the cholesterol in food. Thus, once they stop eating gluten, their cholesterol levels rise. Also, packaged gluten-free products are often higher in fat than their gluten-filled counterparts.
Lowered Bacteria Production in the Gut
Good bacteria production in the gut, an indication of good immune health, can be significantly reduced while on a gluten-free diet. Those who are gluten-free should be sure to add in additional sources of probiotics, like yogurt, into their diets.