The Unexpected Sweetener You Never Thought To Add To Hummus

When you're after a tasty and versatile dip, hummus is one option that's sure to be a crowd-pleaser. It has a tangy flavor and works well with everything from fresh veggies to crackers and chips. Plus, half the fun of hummus is that you can mix in other flavors to the dip to enhance its taste.

One such ingredient to mix in is honey. Now, hummus typically contains very little sugar or none at all, but that's not to say that adding a dab of honey isn't a good idea. In fact, adding hot honey can help to balance out some of the tangy, sour notes of the dip, creating a more balanced spread. You don't need much honey to pull off this trick, either. Just three tablespoons or so added to your favorite hummus recipe should get you the flavor you're going for without turning your dip into a dessert. You can always add more or less, adjusting to your personal preferences to create the perfect balance of flavors.

How your honey affects the flavor of your hummus

Different varieties of honey bring different tasting notes to the table. That means you can incorporate everything from delicate floral notes to stronger, herbal flavors that give your hummus complexity. The standard honey you'll find in your supermarket is clover honey, which tends to have a mild and pleasantly sweet taste.

However, you can also play around with other varieties. Blue borage honey, for instance, has citrusy notes that can play against the tanginess of the tahini and lemon juice in your hummus. You could also go for lavender honey, which has noticeably floral flavors that add delicate tasting notes to the spread. Another option might be to try something like honeydew or manuka honey, which introduce toffee and caramel flavors.

You could also add whipped honey to your hummus. The airy texture of this spread makes it even sweeter and creamier. So, if you love the juxtaposition of the sweet condiment with your tangy hummus, this can be a way to really highlight those flavors. Or, try a herb-infused honey, adding rosemary or other additions that will imbue the condiment with unique tasting notes.

Other inclusions to ramp up your honey hummus

Beyond just adding honey to your hummus, you can take things one step further by pairing the honey with additional mix-ins. For one thing, a bit of paprika can help to add smoky flavor and an extra layer to the sweet, tangy spread. Liquid smoke could also get this effect, adding a light bitterness to your hummus that works well against the sweet honey infusion.

Another option is to bring on the heat. Blend jalapeño peppers into your hummus to add some spice, or mix in some sriracha or another hot sauce. You could also add hot honey to bring in a spicy dimension. The honey helps to neutralize the heat, preventing your hummus from becoming overly spicy while still adding a bit of a kick.

Instead of blending extra ingredients into your hummus, you can also sprinkle them on top. Minced garlic can add pungent flavors or a drizzle of honey over the spread can enhance the sweetness even more. Or sprinkle some freshly chopped chives over the dip. Whether you use one of these additional flavor pairings or stick to just adding honey to your hummus, this is one surefire way to upgrade a simple spread.