The Final Step You Can't Forget For Truly Great Mac And Cheese

Creamy, gooey mac and cheese. Those few words conjure up images of the beloved hearty dish and perhaps even shift the salivary glands into overdrive. With its perfect combination of cheeses, cream sauce, and pasta, it's an iconic dish that many people identify as a comfort food. 

Despite its simple elegance, mac and cheese is incredibly versatile. From classic versions to those loaded with peas, broccoli, bacon, or seafood, the possibilities are endless. But regardless of the variation, there's one crucial step they should all share — the addition of a crispy topping. Some would argue this final touch is what sets exceptional mac and cheese apart from the rest.

If it's a favorite in your home but you've been skipping the topping, take the extra step to build on the already-present layers of delightful creaminess with a crispy, crunchy breadcrumb-like finish. This not only pulls together the flavors of the dish but also improves the texture and visual appeal. 

Why include a breadcrumb topping?

As you probably know, changing one ingredient in a recipe can have a big impact on the final outcome of a dish. In the case of mac and cheese, a topping transforms the flavor, texture, and appeal, elevating it from great to irresistible. As Emeril John Lagasse says, "Bam!"

Breadcrumbs and other toppings offer the opportunity to introduce a variety of flavors to the dish. For example, crunched-up butter crackers or butter and herb crouton crumbs can deliver buttery highlights that pair with the cheese in the dish. Similarly, different types of bread will bring different flavors; a sourdough breadcrumb has a distinctly different flavor than a rye or pumpernickel. If you grab a store-bought solution, Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs present an herbal boost. Don't sleep on all the different variations of croutons to elevate your crispy mac and cheese, giving garlic, seasonings, or olive oil a starring role.

In addition to accentuating certain flavors, tossing on a topping provides a textural enhancement that's impossible to ignore. Where a standard, creamy mac and cheese is silky through every layer of tender pasta and creamy cheese, a breadcrumb topping offers the palate a reason to pause, chew, and embrace a different texture. Plus, that extra crunchy layer of goodness on top of your mac and cheese adds a mouth-watering visual appeal that will invite guests to the table.

Breadcrumb variations

As mentioned, you can embrace a buttery or herbal quality with your choice of breadcrumb topping, but it doesn't necessarily have to come from bread. For instance, you can add crunch to your oven-baked mac and cheese with panko, toasted Rice Krispies cereal, broken-up Corn Flakes, tortilla chips, corn chips, or even pretzels.

There are many ways to go about creating flavor, too. For a somewhat unconventional approach try out sour cream and onion-flavored chips, or add a smoky touch with BBQ chips instead. Marry an extra layer of cheese to your dish with a topping of crushed Cheez-its or Nacho Cheese Doritos. If you want to spice it up, look to chips, crackers, and cereals infused with flavors like jalapeño. Whether your mac and cheese is baked or made on the stovetop, to ensure the optimal crunch use an easy breadcrumb hack, browning your topping separately. Whatever you do, don't forget to add this necessary final step to your next mac and cheese recipe.