12 Pin-Worthy Spring Party Favors

As the warm weather approaches, we have entertaining on our brains more than usual. We're stoked about picnic baskets, beach coolers, Mother's Day breakfast in bed, and even Cinco de Mayo candy-filled piñatas.

However, what we're most excited about is expressing seasonality throughout our party themes. Incorporating fresh ingredients in our menus and cocktails, using bright color palettes in our décor, and presenting only the biggest blooms in our centerpieces are vital parts of hosting a successful spring soirée.

With all of these ideas already embedded in our plans, we're shining a light on what your guests will take away from your bash, other than great leftovers that is. We're talking about party favors.

Sure, favors are totally optional and some people opt out in order to pennies or to put that money toward a charitable cause, but sending your friends and family home with a parting gift shows great sentiment and appreciation on your part.

Since spring is in full swing, we're using the season as an outlet for party favors. We've scoured our favorite Pinterest boards to find the freshest, brightest, and downright cleverest favors fit for your future parties.